TNV Margaret “Agnguarta” Roberts Memorial Scholarship

The Margaret “Agnguarta” Roberts Memorial Scholarship is in honor of the late Elder Margaret “Agnguarta” Roberts. The Tangirnaq Native Village recognizes and memorializes Margaret’s tireless efforts to showcase Alutiiq culture through language, dance, and wellness initiatives, as well as her advocacy in promoting education, vocational and career enhancement of our Tribal citizens. Margaret’s lifetime advocacy for the Alutiiq people will live on and help to guide future generations.

The Tangirnaq Native Village (TNV) Scholarship offers awards up to $4,000.00  per year for applicants. Checks will be made payable directly to the institution.  Applications are open March 1st and have a deadline of June 1st annually.

  • Applicants must be a Tangirnaq Native Village Tribal Citizen.
  • Applicants must be a high school graduate or GED equivalent by June 30.
  • Be accepted by an institution that is an accredited college or university, trade school, or such other educational institution as the Committee may approve.
  • Students are required to have and maintain a 2.5+ GPA and satisfactory academic progress as defined by the institution.
  • Preference will be given to full-time students.
  • Must meet all other KEF eligibility requirements.
  1. Proof of tribal enrollment in the TNV.
  2. Letter of Recommendation:
    New applicants are required to provide one letter of recommendation (LOR)  which must be signed, dated, and less than one year old. The letter can be from an employer, teacher, coach, etc. but not a family member. The recommender should indicate how long they have known the applicant, how they know them, and speak directly to the student’s ability to successfully complete their degree program. Returning applicants (those who received this award the previous year) do not have to provide an LOR unless they are beginning a new degree program.
  3. Essay:
    – A brief description of your personal and family history and how you or your family are connected to Woody Island.
    – Community and/or family involvement
    – Volunteer activities/awards
    – What are your long term goals? How will your educational experience help you to achieve them?
    – If you have received this scholarship previously, share what you’ve learned during the past school year. For instance, what were your challenges or setbacks and how did you overcome them? What were your  triumphs or accomplishments?
  4. Most recent high school or college transcripts (unofficial transcripts are accepted for application but must be followed up by official transcripts by June 30).
  5. Recent resume.
  6. Proof of acceptance or letter from school stating you have applied.
  7. Recent headshot photo.

Vocational Grant

The TNV Vocational Grant is to assist Tangirnaq Native Village enrolled citizens whom have chosen to further their education through vocational training. Vocational Grant provide funding for non-degree seeking individuals enrolled in an accredited vocational, technical program or training.

Award: Up to $5,000 (subject to availability of funding)
Deadline: No deadline, ongoing; Please allow up to 4 weeks for processing.

Any qualified student who is accepted to or enrolled in an accredited, state or municipally recognized vocational school and:

  • Must be enrolled in the Tangirnaq Native Village, and
  • Must be a Koniag shareholder or registered descendant
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 or the equivalent
  • Demonstrate how the training will assist student in gaining employment or job security and/or advancement.

Applicants who are not currently enrolled in the Tangirnaq Native Village must complete enrollment form and provide required documentation.  For more information on enrollment contact TNV offices at or by calling 907-486-9872.

The following documents must be submitted for consideration of this award:

1) Essay:  Your essay must include at least a paragraph on each of the following:

  1. A brief personal and family history including how you or your family is connected to Woody Island and/or Kodiak Island,
  2. Community involvement/volunteer activities,
  3. Career and educational goals, and
  4. Explain how this education will enhance your ability to find employment and/or improve current employment. (Min. 500 words)

2) Recent Resume with employment history, volunteer/community service, additional education/training, 2 pages maximum.

3) One Letter of Recommendation: A signed and dated letter of recommendation (LOR) should be from current/former employer, mentor or coach who knows you well and can reflect on your character and potential. The recommender should detail their relationship to you, how long they have known you, and why you would be an ideal candidate for this scholarship. Letters from immediate family members are not accepted. LOR’s must be signed, dated, and not more than one year old.  

4) Photo:  A recent headshot

Review Process:
KEF will review all information on the vocational grant application, this would include post-training verification. KEF will provide the TNV Executive Director for the list of applicants for approval.

Disbursement of Funds:
If awarded, applicants will be notified by email. The awarded funds will be sent directly to the recipient’s school/program and may be used for reasonable expenses in conjunction with the courses taken which the committee determines as acceptable costs. Any funds not used by the recipient will be returned.

*All career development grant funds must be sent directly to the institute where training is taking place*

Career Development Grant

Career Development Grants (CDG) are to assist Tangirnaq Native Village enrolled citizens who have chosen to further their education/training through short-term, non-degree seeking programs such as licensing and certification trainings, seminars, workshops or other career advancing programs.

Award: Up to $1,000 (based on availability of funds); multiple recipients per year. Limit of two (2) CDG’s per fiscal year, per student not to exceed a total of $1,000 (based on availability of funds).
Deadline: No deadline; open continuously. Please allow up to 4 weeks for processing.

Any qualified student who is accepted to or enrolled in a career development course and can demonstrate how the education/training will assist the student in gaining employment or job security and/or advancement. The program must be accredited or meet state or industry standards. Proof of program completion is required.

  • Must be enrolled in the Tangirnaq Native Village, and
  • Must be a Koniag shareholder or registered descendant
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 or the equivalent
  • Demonstrate how the training will assist student in gaining employment or job security and/or advancement.

Applicants who are not currently enrolled in the Tangirnaq Native Village must complete enrollment form and provide required documentation.  For more information on enrollment contact TNV offices at or by calling 907-486-9872.

The following documents must be submitted for consideration of this grant award:

1) Essay: The purpose of the essay is to provide more detailed background information about you. Your essay should include the following (Minimum 500 words):

  1. A brief personal and family history, including how you or your family is connected to Tangirnaq Native Village/Woody Island or Kodiak Island.
  2. Community Involvement / volunteer activities.
  3. Career and life goals.
  4. Explanation on how this education/training will enhance your ability to either obtain employment and/or improve current employment.

2) Recent Resume with employment history, school activities, volunteer/community service, awards/honors, and any additional education/training (2 page maximum).

3) Proof of Cost of Program: An invoice and/or cost of attendance from the education/training program.

4) Profile Photo: A recent headshot photo of yourself that you’d use in a professional capacity.

Review Process:
A committee will review and select recipients of awards. Awards are based on the personal essay and completeness of information in the application.

Disbursement of Funds:
If awarded, applicant will be notified by email. The awarded funds will be sent directly to the recipient’s education/training and may be used for reasonable expenses in conjunction with the courses taken which the committee determines as acceptable costs. Any funds not used by the recipient will be returned.

All career development grant funds must be sent directly to the institute where training is taking place

Youth Scholarship

The TNV Youth Scholarship is to assist TNV enrolled citizens who wish to attend athletic, scholastic, cultural, leadership trainings, events, camps, and programs that will help the applicant reach their goals. This does not cover tuition at private schools, tuition for college level classes, laptops, iPads, or cell phones.

The TNV Youth Scholarship is administered by the TNV Citizen Engagement Committee. Scholarship funding is evaluated on an annual basis and applicants can apply for more than one scholarship throughout the year, however cumulative funding is capped at $1,000 total for each applicant for the award year.

Award Amount: $1,000 (cumulatively for the award year)
Deadline: There is no deadline for the TNV Youth Scholarship, applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Any qualified student who is accepted to or enrolled to participate in an event that will help the student reach their goals.

  • Must be enrolled in the Tangirnaq Native Village, and
  • Applicants must be at least 3 years old and up to, but not including 18

Applicants who are not currently enrolled in the Tangirnaq Native Village must complete enrollment form and provide required documentation prior to being awarded a scholarship. For more information on enrollment contact TNV offices at or by calling (907) 290-8826.

The following documents must be submitted for consideration of this award:

1) Signatures of the applicant and parent/guardian

2) Short essay for applicants 9 years old and up (100-300 words) that includes:

  • An introduction of yourself and your family
  • Why you are participating in the program or event
  • Any goals that you hope to achieve or anything that you hope to learn
  • Applicants 6 to 8 years old can submit a drawing or a short essay that they dictate through their parent/guardian

3) Portrait Photograph of Applicant

4) Proof of enrollment such as a letter of acceptance, proof of payment, or another type of document that proves the student secured a spot in the event or activity

5) Proof of expense through either detailed receipt for reimbursement or a billing statement that shows what is owed. Includes:

  • Event or activity cost
  • Cost of meals while traveling away from home community ($50 per day)
  • Equipment such as uniforms or supplies required for event or activity. If equipment needs to be purchased somewhere other than through the event or activity then the parent/guardian must purchase them and provide the receipts for reimbursement.

Review Process:
The TNV Youth Scholarship is administered by the TNV Citizen Engagement Committee on a quarterly basis. Applications are accepted and reviewed throughout the program year which runs January through December of each year. Applications will not be processed unless they are complete.

Disbursement of Funds:

  • Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the educational institution or program in one payment or.
  • Receipts can be reimbursed for related expenses with proof of payment during the event’s year or the Tribe can make payments directly to the event/activity.

Funds can be used for the following expenses: travel, books, equipment/supplies, registration, uniforms, event/program fees, and reasonable living expenses connected to the event or activity. The TNV Citizen Engagement Committee may determine which costs are acceptable and adjust awarded funds accordingly.

  • Communication on any changes regarding the event or activity, contact information, or enrollment status. Reach out to TNV immediately.
    • Event or activity Change: Awards are based upon the event or activity listed in recipient’s application and any changes that occur to the event may result in a re-evaluation of the funds appointed. Additional fund may not be added to the original award but they may be decreased based on the funds needed. If a change in event occurs recipients must:
      -Submit a short letter or email directly to the TNV office explaining the change.
      -Submit a new budget to adjust the funds awarded if applicable.
  • Failure to Attend or Dropping out before completion of the event may require the return of funds awarded by either the recipient and/or the institution that the funds were sent to. If funds are not returned upon the request of TNV, future applications will not be accepted. The same applies for the misuse of funds received by the recipient or parent/guardian.
  • Proof of Completion must be submitted to TNV at the end on the program/event. Documents such as a certificate, letter from the event, or a proof of completion form.
Child lighting a candle